Our speakers are passionate about secular public education

Our speakers who will be appearing at the Secularism Australia Conference next Saturday are passionate about secular public education.

In the afternoon, we’ll have a whole session focused on education, with three speakers and then an expanded panel hosted by Jane Caro.

  • Alison Courtice, of the advocacy group Queensland Parents for Secular State Schools, will present on the push for reform of the Religious Instruction program in her state.
  • Craig Macpherson, of the advocacy group Fairness in Religion in Schools (FIRIS), will speak on the need for reform of the Special Religious Education program in New South Wales.
  • Ron Williams, who twice challenged the federal government’s funding of religious chaplains in Australia’s public schools, will present on chaplaincy and the new National Student Wellbeing Program.

Joining them on the panel will be Maurie Mulheron, former President of the NSW Teachers Federation, and Anna Halafoff, Associate Professor in Sociology at Deakin University.

The conference program is now finalised. Check it out on the conference website.

At the conference, we’ll have other secular champions presenting on the need for secular reform in other policy areas.

  • Chris Schacht, a former Labor Senator, will highlight issues of religious privilege in the charities sector and media.
  • Collin Acton, the former Director General of Chaplaincy in the Royal Australian Navy, will speak about the need for secular reform of the Australian Defence Force.
  • Victor Franco, a councillor from Victoria, will present on the issue of prayers in government meetings.

We’re looking forward to seeing you on Saturday 2nd December for the first Secularism Australia Conference

Some tickets are still available. You can purchase them here.

Thanks for your support!